
Since the launch of ChainHop in May, we've been both excited and humbled by the amount of attention and usage we've received as a smaller protocol. Thanks to that, now we can say we've integrated and partnered with some of the best DEXes and bridges in the space! To thank the users who helped get us here, we are running a special rewards campaign.

Time:10.10 2:30 AM UTC to 10.23 4 PM UTC

Generate your unique referral link and invite others to use ChainHop via your link for a chance to receive a special NFT!

  1. Log in to the ChainHop official website and connect your wallet.

  2. Click "Referrals" located at the top left of the ChainHop homepage. You will see a pop-up window showing a referral link with your wallet address. Just click "Copy" and share that link with your friends in order to participate.

We will classify the referral links into different levels according to the following criteria and distribute the corresponding highest level NFTs. Rewards will be distributed only when both of the following criteria are met. NFTs can be claimed on Galxe.

The number of valid users that used the referral link: The total number of unique addresses that have successfully completed their first asset swap via ChainHop through a referral link.

The total cross-chain swap volume of the referral link: The total volume in swaps made by referred users via the referral link. This is converted to the equivalent USD value using the token price at the time of the swap completion.

Each type of NFT has an upper limit on the available number. If the actual completion of each level exceeds the upper limit number of NFTs when the event ends, they will be ranked according to the total volume of swap funds, and the number of places that exceed the total number of levels will be postponed to the next level. For example, if there is a maximum of 30 Diamond NFTs and there are 31 referrers that qualify for that box, the person with the lowest volume in that bracket will receive a Gold NFT instead.

The event participation is updated every day. Chainhop Referral Campaign


Only wallet addresses that swap assets through the referral link via Chainhop for the first time will be counted as one valid address for the referral link. Addresses that have swapped tokens with Chainhop before this event will not be counted as a valid address for the referral link.

A wallet address can only be referred by one referral link. If the user has already used another referral link, they cannot change the referer afterwards, even if they swap tokens using other referral links.

Once an address is bound to a referral link, even if it does not use ChainHop through the referral link for swap afterwards, the swap data is still included in the total swap volume of the referral link that they are bound to.

Users can go to Galxe to claim their NFT within 3 business days after the event ends.

Last updated